WOOD4LIFE – Locking carbon in harvested wood products, from forests to sustainable wood products

WOOD4LIFE – Locking carbon in harvested wood products, from forests to sustainable wood products


  • Spain
  • Italy





  • Commissione Europea


  • Coordinator: Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha
  • Partners:
  • Dendron
  • Etifor
  • Parco Nazionale Appennino Tosco Emiliano
  • Conlegno
  • Lignum Tech
  • FSC Spain
  • Univeridad de Castilla-La Mancha  


Photo by Conor Brown, Unsplash

The forestry sector is central to the ongoing transition to a low carbon, circular and nature positive future. Forests are a major player in the absorption of CO2 and mitigation of climate change, while delivering multiple ecosystem services. Afforestation, forest restoration and improved forest management can enhance removals in soils and biomass, while the use of wood-based materials in long-lasting products ensures long-term carbon storage out of the forest.

However, high fragmentation, lack of associative forms and sector skills, low-value wood supply chains and missing remuneration of ES are increasing forest abandonment, leading to less resilience to climate change. 

The project

WOOD4LIFE will engage the key actors of the forest value chain, it will test improved forest management practices in productive forests in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, for enhancing carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation and wood production to supply the industries of wood-based long-lasting products, such as the construction sector.

Overarching objective is to propose tools and business models to reactivate the forest value chain and strengthen its pivotal role in mitigating CC through carbon sequestration capacity and by providing less GHG-intensive materials, in line with the Carbon Farming Initiative. In particular, WOOD4LIFE will: increase and improve the forms of associations to enhance SFM for the provision of ES and wood for long-lasting products; improve CCM performances of forest-wood value chains through the engagement and training of key actors and the development of a value chain protocol for climate mitigation actions; reinforce the existing systems and development of business models for emissions compensation outside and within the value chain, through the improvement and development of PES. 

WOOD4LIFE acts at EU level, in Castilla-La Mancha region, with replication sites in Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park in Italy, with replicability and transferability potential through FSC network.

Our contribution

Etifor is one of the partners of the project. 

In particular, it deals with:

  1. Characterization of the supply chain of 3 semi-finished wood-based products. It analyzes the actors, the supply chain flows, the environmental impacts, particularly in terms of GHG emissions from wood extraction and transformation activities, and the market.
  2. Coordination of the WP5 which supports the development of tools and methodologies to create sustainable blended-finance mechanisms that will allow and facilitate the private sector to contribute to climate change mitigation actions and the actors involved to be remunerated for the activities they carry out.
  3. Development of a marketing strategy for the business models developed using the existing platforms in Castilla-La Mancha and the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine National Park.

In general, Etifor plays a key role in the project by acting as a connection point between the forestry sector and the private sector, facilitating investments that support actions with a high positive impact on verified ecosystem services.

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