We work together with the best organisations to put nature at the centre of decisions
Consultancy for a Climate Plan to reduce CO2 impacts and offset residual emissions with FSC® certified projects Learn more 2022-in progress www.ambro-sol.it
Business & InvestorsNature PositiveCalculation and certification of CFO according to ISO 14064 standard, offsetting residual emissions with FSC® certified projects. Learn more 2020-2022 bulgarelliproduction.com
Business & InvestorsNature PositiveCFO calculation with V.I.V.A. protocol, strategy, and implementation of emission reduction actions in line with climate science, management of climate risks mainly related to water consumption, certification of FSC® owned forests, and support for external projects Learn more 2021-in progress www.rabosopiave.com
Business & InvestorsNature Positive- Consultancy for improving the management of forests hosting sources (2021-2022)
- LCA according to ISO 14040 | 14044 standards and EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) according to ISO 14025 standard, strategy and implementation of emission reduction actions in line with climate science, offsetting residual emissions with FSC® certified projects.
Feasibility assessment and multidisciplinary design of a wetland restoration intervention aimed at generating impacts on water services and biodiversity to achieve Acqua Panna's neutrality objectives. 2022 www.nestle.it
Business & InvestorsForestsVerification of impacts on five categories of ecosystem services (biodiversity, carbon, water services, soil, recreational services) through the FSC® Procedure on Ecosystem Services Learn more 2020 www.mcfiemme.eu
Forest owners & managersForestsSupport for the design of new urban forests in cities and citizen engagement, companies, and organizations through the WOWnature platform Learn more 2018-in progress www.padovanet.it
ForestsPublic bodies & General governmentStudy aimed at the protection and enhancement of the green infrastructure formed by the network of springs (risorgive) in Veneto. A strategic and innovative proposal for the conservation of springs, using water footprint and water compensation approaches. Learn more 2022 www.anbiveneto.it
Public bodies & General governmentSupply ChainDevelopment of innovative governance models and payments for ecosystem services through public-private partnerships in 5 pilot areas in Lombardy. Learn more 2018-2022 www.regione.lombardia.it
Nature GovernancePublic bodies & General governmentEconomic evaluation of the impacts on ecosystem services resulting from the implementation of ecological flow on the irrigation infrastructure of the Consorzio Piave. Learn more 2020-2022 consorziopiave.it
Nature GovernancePublic bodies & General governmentEvaluation of socio-economic aspects related to the feasibility of eradicating wild boars and mouflons from the Island of Elba. Learn more 2023 www.islepark.it
Forest owners & managersNature GovernanceSupport to the Regional Forest Agency of Sardinia in developing a due diligence system for timber and cork products obtained from areas managed by the agency. The implemented system will allow the agency to market traced products that are fully compliant with the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR). Learn more 2022-2023 www.regione.sardegna.it
Public bodies & General governmentSupply Chain- Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment for the implementation of the REDD+ program in Sudan (Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation).
- Development of the communication strategy for the implementation of the REDD+ program in Sudan (Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation)
Growth and care of over 5,000 new trees in Lio Piccolo, a location in the Venetian lagoon where a forest is being established that, with its presence alone, can repopulate biodiversity in abandoned fishing valleys for more than 30 years. Learn more 2023-in progress www.lagardere-tr.it
Business & InvestorsWOWnatureInauguration of the planting campaign at the headquarters of Banca Etica with the planting of some trees as part of the initiative by the Banca Etica Group, in collaboration with Fridays for Future Italia. Learn more 2021 www.bancaetica.it
Business & InvestorsWOWnatureGrowth and care of 1,900 new trees, calculation of emissions from the presentation event of the industrial plan, and offsetting 110% of the emissions through the FSC Procedure on Ecosystem Services. Learn more 2022 www.bancaifis.it
Business & InvestorsWOWnature- ECOSTAR: a project funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme.
- GREEN4CARE: a project funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme.
- LENSES: a project funded by the European Commission through the PRIMA Horizon programme.
- UFOREST: a project funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme.
- LIFE BRENTA 2030: a project funded by the European Commission through the LIFE programme.
- LIFE CLIMATE POSITIVE: a project funded by the European Commission through the LIFE programme.
- EMMA4EU: a project funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme.