We work together with the best organisations to put nature at the centre of decisions

LCA according to ISO 14040 | 14044 standard and product EPD according to ISO 14025 standard, strategy and implementation of emission reduction actions in line with climate science, offsetting residual emissions with FSC® certified projects. Learn more
2018-2022 www.sgambaro.itBusiness & InvestorsNature Positive

Technical assistance to protected areas and Natura 2000 managing authority in support of the BIOCLIMA initiative. Design of forestry interventions, biodiversity conservation, estimation and verification of impacts on ecosystem services (8mln €) and support in finding private sponsorships for co-financing (1.5 mln € target). Learn more
2022-in progress www.fondazionecariplo.itBusiness & InvestorsForests

CFO calculation with V.I.V.A. protocol, strategy, and implementation of emission reduction actions in line with climate science, management of climate risks mainly related to water consumption, certification of FSC® owned forests, and support for external projects Learn more 2021-in progress www.rabosopiave.com

Business & InvestorsNature Positive

  • Consultancy for improving the management of forests hosting sources (2021-2022)
  • LCA according to ISO 14040 | 14044 standards and EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) according to ISO 14025 standard, strategy and implementation of emission reduction actions in line with climate science, offsetting residual emissions with FSC® certified projects.
Learn more 2018-2022 www.levicoacque.itBusiness & InvestorsNature Positive

Feasibility assessment and multidisciplinary design of a wetland restoration intervention aimed at generating impacts on water services and biodiversity to achieve Acqua Panna's neutrality objectives. 2022 www.nestle.it

Business & InvestorsForests

Calculation of tourism destination impacts; development and implementation of strategy for reduction of climate impacts with participatory approaches and involvement of key stakeholders; implementation of widget for calculation and offsetting guest travel emissions and use of Greempact tool for hospitality operators. Learn more
2021-2022 www.altabadia.org TourismTourists operators & destinations

Support to the involved A.P.T.s and accommodations in implementing the GSTC standard. Stakeholder participation and involvement: organization of participatory meetings; pre- assessment and accompaniment to the audit, assessment of weaknesses and improvement strategy; support for group certification for APT Valsugana accommodation facilities. Learn more
2022-in progress www.visittrentino.info TourismTourists operators & destinations

Advisory service to the City of Siena to achieve GSTC certification according to the standard for destinations. Main activities: stakeholder participation and involvement; pre-assessment and accompaniment to audit; development of certification dossier; strategy and tools for communication. Learn more
2021-2023 visitsienaofficial.it  TourismTourists operators & destinations

  • Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment for the implementation of the REDD+ program in Sudan (Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation).
  • Development of the communication strategy for the implementation of the REDD+ program in Sudan (Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation)
Learn more 2018-2020 www.worldbank.orgPublic bodies & General governmentSupply Chain

Growth and care of 5,000 new trees at Bosco Moranzani, a high social, environmental and landscape value project funded by the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MITE), fully co- financed by the Bank, and implemented by Etifor. Learn more
2022 www.volksbank.itBusiness & InvestorsWOWnature

Growth and care of 14,000 new trees in 11 projects located in 6 different Italian regions (Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Tuscany, Sicily) with various purposes (post-storm ecological restoration, agroforestry, creation of riparian forests, etc.). Learn more
2021-in progress eshop.wuerth.itBusiness & InvestorsWOWnature

Growth and care of over 5,000 new trees in Lio Piccolo, a location in the Venetian lagoon where a forest is being established that, with its presence alone, can repopulate biodiversity in abandoned fishing valleys for more than 30 years. Learn more 2023-in progress www.lagardere-tr.it

Business & InvestorsWOWnature

  • ECOSTAR: a project funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme.
EU research and business alliance on marketing and economics of ecosystems and biodiversity The project produced 3 EU market outlooks on biodiversity, water, carbon. Learn more 2016-2018Business & InvestorsNature Positive

  • GREEN4CARE: a project funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme.
The project GREEN4CARE aims at increasing Europe’s innovation capacity among universities and businesses by promoting green and natural approaches to health and social care, focusing on the countries of Italy, Romania, The Netherlands, Ireland and Austria. Learn more 2022-2023ForestsPublic bodies & General government

  • LENSES: a project funded by the European Commission through the PRIMA Horizon programme.
The project aims to improve system understanding, collect and structure knowledge to solve complexity and manage uncertainty in Water-Environment-Food-Energy systems. Etifor develops cost-benefit assessment of nature-based-solutions Learn more 2021-2024Nature GovernancePublic bodies & General government

  • REXUS: a project funded by the European Commission through the Horizon programme.
The project offers a global strategy for the integration of Water-Energy-Climate-Food (WEFC) Nexus systems by designing and promoting resilient Nexus systems. Etifor deals with case studies in Colombia, Romania, and Italy-Slovenia (Isonzo basin) Learn more 2021-2023Nature GovernancePublic bodies & General government

  • UFOREST: a project funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme.
Urban Forests - UFOREST - are tree-based urban ecosystems and effective Nature-based Solutions that help to better adapt and mitigate the negative effects of climate change. UF improve air and water quality, support biodiversity, enhance people’s health and wellbeing, and mitigate the high temperatures of modern cities. Learn more 2021-2023ForestsPublic bodies & General government

  • LIFE BRENTA 2030: a project funded by the European Commission through the LIFE programme.
The project aims to enhance biodiversity and improve the supply of water-related ecosystem services in river habitats, wetlands, and agricultural zones within the Natura 2000 site known as the "Grave and Wetlands of the Brenta." This site is situated in the "Middle Brenta" area, spanning between the cities of Bassano del Grappa and Padua. Learn more 2019-202Nature GovernancePublic bodies & General government

  • LIFE CLIMATE POSITIVE: a project funded by the European Commission through the LIFE programme.
LIFE CLIMATE POSITIVE project promotes SMART associations and innovative financing for responsible forest management and carbon sink enhancement. Planned management boosts forest resilience and valuable ecosystem services provision, including economic benefits. The project will also develop a National Code for the voluntary carbon market, aligned with the European legislative framework. Learn more 2022-2024Nature PositivePublic bodies & General government

  • EMMA4EU: a project funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme.
The project aims to address the lack of transparency, limited practical effectiveness and conceptual difficulties related to terminologies and definitions in the import of deforestation-prone products. Learn more 2023-2026Public bodies & General governmentSupply Chain