Regeneration paths to go beyond sustainability

Regeneration paths to go beyond sustainability

Looking for a tourism offering that meets the needs of the community and the natural environment.



  • Italy
  • Austria


2024 - 2026



  • Unione Europea


  • Consorzio di Promozione Turistica del Tarvisiano
  • di Sella Nevea e di passo Pramollo NLW Tourismus Marketing GmbH Società Cooperativa Turistica Alta Badia Etifor


In light of the complex challenges facing local areas and destinations (congestion, traffic, overuse of resources, anti-tourism sentiments, habitat deterioration…), talking about sustainability is no longer enough. A change of perspective is needed in tourism, moving from a commitment limited to reducing environmental impact to a regeneration-focused approach that aims to positively impact local areas and bring value to the environment and the communities involved.

The mission of destination management organizations is less and less to do marketing and more and more to stimulate stewardship, that is, to manage by putting the concept of caring for the land at the centre.

The project

To achieve this result, the REGENERATE project wants to raise awareness in the territories, activating the social fabric and creating a tourism offer that responds to the needs expressed by the community and the surrounding natural environment.

The project envisages the involvement of territorial areas with different approaches and maturity levels of tourism development, particularly Alta Badia, Tarvisiano, Dolomiti Bellunesi in Italy and Nassfeld-Pressegger See, Lesachtal, and Weissensee in Austria.

The intervention logic includes the following:

  1. Work on analysis and monitoring of the environmental, socio-economic and cultural impact of tourism policies implemented so far, with specific reflection on changes related to obtaining sustainability certification according to the GSTC standard;
  2. Work on the governance of partner destinations through the sharing of best practices, the planning of a shared communication strategy and the development of a “sustainability toolkit” aimed at tourism stakeholders;
  3. An innovative capacity-building and co-creation pathway of experiences and services developed according to a regenerative approach to tourism that will see local communities, specifically young people, as the absolute protagonists.

Our contribution

Etifor provides the partnership with consolidated experience and passion in sustainable tourism and local development of mountain and rural territories. In REGENERATE, Etifor will support the entire partnership, and precisely the Dolomiti Bellunesi territory, to :

  • Develop the methodology for drafting the monitoring plan for sustainability tourism policies, which take into account the impacts on the environment and socio-economic conditions of local communities; 
  • Prepare communication and good practice dissemination tools that can enhance the specificities of the issues addressed by the project; 
  • Design the co-design process with local communities to define regenerative experiences. 

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