Presentation of the paper “Sustainable Finance and Biodiversity” and launch of the Italian Business@Biodiversity Working Group

2 minutes

25 June 2024: a day structured in two separate but complementary sessions dedicated to the role of sustainable finance, business and institutions in conserving and promoting biodiversity. A national event aimed at finance practitioners, professionals, entrepreneurs and policymakers who wish to learn more about the Nature Positive concept. The event, free with compulsory registration and limited places (registration will close on June 24 at 4 p.m.), is part of the activities of the Italian Business @ Biodiversity Working Group founded by Etifor, Forum for Sustainable Finance and Regione Lombardia.

The event will be in Italian. Read the complete program here.

MORNING 25.06 – Protecting biodiversity: the key role of sustainable finance

During the morning, organized by the Forum for Sustainable Finance with the support of Etifor and the Lombardy Region and with contributions from ADVANT Nctm, AXA Investment Managers, and Etica Sgr, the paper “Sustainable Finance and Biodiversity” resulting from a Working Group initiated by the Forum with its Members will be presented. The paper offers guidelines for including biodiversity in financial products and processes. This will be followed by two parallel technical sessions on metrics for monitoring biodiversity and financial tools for investing in this area.

AFTERNOON 25.06 – Business, finance and biodiversity: How can we contribute to a Nature Positive future?

During the afternoon, organized by Etifor in collaboration with the Foundation for Sustainable Development, Forum for Sustainable Finance and the Lombardy Region, there will be training and sharing of best practices, panel discussions and networking moments. The Italian Business @ Biodiversity Working Group will also be presented: the first Italian network of companies and financial institutions that want to contribute to a Nature Positive future. The B@B WG is an initiative of Etifor, Forum for Sustainable Finance and Regione Lombardia and is part of the European Commission’s Business @ Biodiversity Platform.