Bosco Cinque Querce: An Ecological Management Model
Promoting sustainable management and increasing biodiversity in a forested area near Siena, Italy
Promoting sustainable management and increasing biodiversity in a forested area near Siena, Italy
The project aims at increasing Europe’s innovation capacity among universities and businesses to promote green and natural approaches to health and social care
Read MoreThe project aims at increasing Europe’s innovation capacity among universities and businesses to promote green and natural approaches to health and social care
Etifor is a new community ambassador for Sustainable Forestry on the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform. Find out more.
Read MoreA platform to connect market demand with the supply of NBS by organisations and enterprises, and to support the nature-based economy.
A custom-made repository to collect and systematize information on Forest Care Initiatives in Italy.
Read MoreREAD THE ARTICLEA Novel Research Framework Applied to the Italian Context
Etifor | Valuing Nature,
Forest Design Srl,
Trinity College Dublin,
Green City Watch
The project aims at promoting Europe’s innovation capacity among universities, cities and businesses to deliver a new approach to Urban Forestry.
Read MoreUforest: a project involving Italy, Spain, Romania, Ireland, the Netherlands and Sweden
The project aims to measure air pollution within and outside urban and periurban forests in order to assess their efficacy as a mitigation measure.
Read MoreMeasuring the effectiveness of forests in mitigating air pollution by involving citizens
This PhD research project, financed by Etifor, is focused on alternative uses of forests (non-productive uses) and especially the ones aimed at increasing level of health and wellbeing of people and communities.
Read MoreA study on forests' contribution to human health
WOWnature is the result of Etifor’s commitment to research and development of sustainable projects capable of restoring the balance between man and natural systems. Through the portal you can choose which species to plant and where, contributing not only to the earth, but to the entire process of growth of the plant.
Nature as you've never seen it
A path to bring greenery back to the city: 10,000 new trees to restore greenery and biodiversity.
Creation of a new forest for groundwater recharging. Etifor designed the payment schemes for the water-services, recreational services for local population, biodiversity and carbon reduction. Find out more on
Read MoreDiscover how the largest infiltration forest area in the Veneto region was created