In the context of the call for proposals “Biodiversity and Climate (BioClima)” of the Lombardy Region, Etifor will offer a technical assistance service to all the organisations interested in participating in the call.
The call for proposals, opening in March 2022, has a budget of 3.5 million euros to be used for interventions in protected areas and in Natura 2000 sites. The objective of the interventions must be aimed at conserving biodiversity and fighting climate change.
Following objectives and guidelines of the European Union, and especially the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, these initiatives will have to promote the creation of new flatland forests and the improvement of the existing ones. Finally, the projects will have to contribute to the provision of ecosystem services and to their economic valorisation.
Two innovative aspects characterise this call for proposals, which aims at being an important example of private-public partnership. First, the projects will have to monitor and certify their expected impacts, both on biodiversity and in terms of CO2 stocking, using internationally recognised standards. Second, projects must ensure a minimum co-financing of at least 30% of the project cost, of which at least 10% must come from private sources. In this way, the call for proposals aims at encouraging companies to create positive impacts on the territory and for the people. In turn, this could be useful for companies too, especially int terms of CSR.
Drawing on its long experience in the certification and valorisation of ecosystem services, as well as in the involvement of the private sector into conservation initiatives, Etifor will offer a technical assistance service to all the organisations interested in the BioClima call for proposals. Besides offering an informative support on the call for proposals, this service wants to help organisations in the development of monitoring and measurement interventions, in the valorisation of ecosystem services, and in finding private co-financing sources.
Finally, Etifor has organised a series of webinar to present the call and the technical assistance service. Find all the information here.