2 minutes

How can we make our cities greener and more resilient to climate change? What is a nature-based solution and what kind of benefits can it bring?

These are some of the questions the event “Urban Jungles 2.0, ovvero le natural based solution nei posti più impensabili” (Urban Jungle 2.0: nature based solutions in the most unthinkable places), taking place on the 23rd of February 2022 in Milan, will try to give an answer to.

In the last few years, an increasing number of experts is recognising the fundamental role cities play in the fight against climate change. Many studies (IEA, 2012; IIASA, 2012) demonstrate that urban centres are responsible for about the 70% of global GHG emissions. At the same time, however, cities are particularly vulnerable to climate change, especially with regard to extreme weather events that are becoming more common and intense.

Against this background, the event “Urban Jungle 2.0 has the aim to inform the public on nature-based solutions and their benefits, especially with regard to the urban context. Nature-based solutions are solutions inspired and supported by nature, which, simultaneously, provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience (European Commission). During the event, a series of case studies will be presented in order to provide practical examples of NbS and their application.

Among the speakers of the event, Alex Prà form Etifor will participate as expert in innovative financing mechanisms for forestry projects. During his intervention “Alberi e foreste, le soluzioni che non ti aspetti: esempi ed opportunità concrete in Italia”, Alex will illustrate why it is important to protect and take care of forests. In addition, some practical examples of how Etifor has been able to valorise the protection and improvement natural areas by valorising unknown services will be provided. Finally, Alex will present a real opportunity for forest managers in Lombardy: the call for proposals “BioClima” of the Lombardy Region, to be published in February 2022.


Wednesday 23 February 2022 | 10:00 AM (ore 9:30 registration opening)

Rho Milano Fiera (MI) | Conference room 1, Hall 8

Learn more about the event here.

Download the leaflet (in Italian).