2 minutes

Participate to the webinar and learn more about the Veneto Region’s call for proposals for the creation of forests in lowland areas.

Our experts, together with the Veneto Region and the Associazione Forestale di Pianura (Lowland Forests Association), have organised a webinar to introduce the new opportunities offered by the “Bando pubblico per la concessione di contributi alla realizzazione di boschi nella pianura veneta” (Call for proposals for the granting of contributions for the creation of forests in the Veneto plain – R.L. 2 May 2003, n.13 – DGR n. 366 of 8 April 2022) of the Veneto Region. Therefore, this event is particularly adressed to owners and managers of lowland forests.

The following interventions will take place during the webinar:

  • Introduction to the call for proposals to create new forests in Veneto
    Silvia Majer, Regione Veneto – Representative of Veneto Agricoltura
  • How to give value to the new forest?
    Valentina Camillo, Associazione Forestale di Pianura
  • Operational tools: from project to co-financing
    Alex Pra, Etifor | Valuing Nature
  • Call for proposals 2020: a new forest for Fontaniva
    Giacomo Laghetto, Etifor | Valuing Nature

The webinar is organised by Etifor in cooperation with Regione Veneto, Associazione Forestale di Pianura, and Parco Fiume Brenta. The webinar is part of the activities of the LIFE Brenta 2030 project (LIFE18 -NAT_IT_000756) implemented with the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union.


The webinar will take place on Wednesday the 18th of May 2022, at 11:00 am.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is necessary.