Responsible Management

EUDR: the European Parliament and Council have reached a provisional agreement on the text of the new Regulation

  • 2022

After long discussion, the European Parliament and Council have reached an agreement on the new Regulation to halt the import of goods connected to deforestation. The agreement is still provisional and pending official approval from both institutions. 

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Following months of extensive discussions and negotiations, on the 6th of December the Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional deal on the proposal for a legislation known as the EUDR - EU Regulation on Deforestation-free supply chain. The agreement is still pending formal adoption by both institutions. The legislation aims to

What are Nature-based solutions and why should we consider them a priority for our future

  • 2022

Nature-based Solutions can provide multiple economic, social and health benefits, while also contributing to the fight against climate change. For these reasons, their implementation is crucial and should be encouraged in all sectors. However, there are still many barriers to the adoption of NBS. In this article, we explore what NBS are, how their can be implemented and how they can benefit multiple sectors with the aim to support the adoption of NBS approaches.

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Photo: Cecil Konijnendijk If you are linked to the world of sustainability or your work deals with environmental themes, you have undoubtedly heard of the term Nature-based Solutions (NBS). However, for those not involved in these sectors, the term might be a little bit foggy.  The European Commission has recently defined

New rules for companies under the European Parliament’s ambitious version of the proposal against deforestation

  • 2022

On the 13th of September, the European Parliament voted on a new version of the proposed regulation against deforestation. This version is presented as stronger and more environmentalist, accepting many of the amendments suggested by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI).

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On September 13, the European Parliament voted for significant amendments to the draft proposal of the European Commission for a regulation on deforestation-free products,  addressing many of the concerns raised by civil society in the past months. The modifications were suggested by the Parliament's Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Payments for Ecosystem Services: how to value ecosystems fairly

  • 2022

Ecosystem Services have great value for both the environment and human beings. However, very often this value is not reflected economically, making it difficult to implement incentives and funding schemes for the promotion of Ecosystem Services.

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Ecosystem Services (ES) are the benefits offered by nature to humans. In economic terms, many of them are presented as externalities, i.e. as effects of an activity that have a positive or negative impact on subjects who have not had a decision-making role with respect to it. While they have a recognised value,

FSC and the Ecosystem Services Procedure: a leading global standard and impact verification tool for forest ecosystem services

  • 2022

At the FSC General Assembly, held last October in Bali, members voted a policy motion to position FSC as a leading, high-integrity international standard for the certification of forest ecosystem services in support of mitigation strategies. The motion was presented by Etifor and was approved with an overwhelming and broad support.

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In the middle of the ecological and climate crisis we are facing, responsible forest management and protection of forests will lay a crucial role. If protected and well-managed, forests provide important benefits (also known as “ecosystem services”) in terms of CO2 sequestration and storage, biodiversity conservation, improvement of water quality, and many more.

Deforestation-free supply chains in Colombia Event brief

  • 2022

On the 30th of June 2022, together with three Colombian chambers of commerce, Etifor organised a webinar to explain the risks and opportunities offered by the new proposed European “Zero Deforestation” Regulation.

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A recap of our webinar on the new EU "Zero Deforestation" proposed Regulation Together with three Colombian chambers of commerce, namely the Cámara De Comercio de Bucaramanga, the Cámara de Comercio de Barrancabermeja and the Cultura Cámara De Comercio de Pereira, on the 30th of June Etifor organised a webinar to

Etifor and the revision of the FSC Ecosystem Services Procedure

  • 2022

FSC has decided to revise its procedure for the identification, measurement and validation of ecosystem services. The first step of the process is the establishment of a technical working group. Etifor is honored to be part of this group and to bring its experience to the process.

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Etifor is part of the technical working group and will bring its experience to the revision process

Italy is dry

  • 2022
  • Italy is dry
  • Responsible Management
  • Italy
  • 2022

In the last few months, we have been hearing a lot about drought in Italy. Rainfall shortages and rising average temperatures are some of the factors that have led to this situation, but above all they are a sign of a climate that is increasingly in crisis. What can we do now? Read the article!

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Lack of snow, rivers at an all-time low, rising average temperatures: all signs of an ongoing climate crisis

What will change for cocoa companies after the adoption of the new EU Regulation “Zero Deforestation”?

  • 2022

To halt the import of goods connected to deforestation, the EU is discussing the adoption of a new Regulation, already named “Zero Deforestation”. The cocoa sector will be one of the main sectors influenced by the Regulation. Read the article and learn what will change for cocoa companies.

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In recent months, the European political debate has been revolving around the new EU Regulation aimed at limiting the import of goods derived from deforestation. Already named 'Zero Deforestation', the objective of this Regulation is to align European import policies with commitments on sustainability and against the climate crisis. The Regulation will mainly

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