Responsible management

Deforestation Made in Italy

  • 2020

Download for free the publication “Deforestation Made in Italy”. A report in Italian dedicated to the responsibility of Italian companies and consumers in the deforestation of tropical countries.


This volume presents a summary of the contributions to the workshop "Deforestation made in Italy" held in Padua on 10 December 2019. After framing the issue of deforestation and forest degradation, analyzing the main drivers and impacts, the document presents methodological approaches and preliminary results relating to the estimate of the

RAF 2019 Italy Bosco Limite. The forest that defends against climate change

  • 2019

The first “Report on the state of Italian forests” aims to provide a global, detailed and timely picture of the state of Italian forests and its supply chains. The article, written by the Etifor team in collaboration with Davide Pettenella, presents a successful case study: Bosco Limite.


In recent decades Italian society has gradually lost sight of the importance of forests, a green lung that covers about 40% of the national territory.We have also forgotten how the national forest system, with its productive, environmental and socio-cultural chains, still represents a vital fulcrum of the country today. In this context, the first "Report

Valuing forest ecosystem services a training manual for planners and project developers

  • 2019

The aim of this manual, published by FAO, is to enhance understanding of ecosystem services and their valuation. Most of the examples and case studies presented herein, therefore, are tailored to the Bangladesh context, but the general concepts, approaches and methods can be applied to a broad spectrum of situations.


The aim of this manual is to enhance understanding of ecosystem services and their valuation. The specific target group comprises governmental officers in planning units and field-level officers and practitioners in key government departments in Bangladesh responsible for project development, including the Ministry of Environment and Forests and its agencies. Most of the examples and

Demonstrating Ecosystem Services Impacts FSC International (FSC-GUI-30-006)

  • 2018

Enhancing outdoor recreation and biodiversity through payments for ecosystem services

  • 2018

Forest Management Auditing Certification of Forest Products and Services

  • 2018

Forest managers, auditors and project developers require a new range of skills: this book, co-editing by Etifor, outlines the market-based tools that are required by such professionals to ensure corporate social responsibility in the forestry sector.

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It is difficult to find products or services in the market that are not defined as sustainable. But what makes a product or a service really sustainable? A good reference standard and a serious and independent system of control (audit). Lucio Brotto (Etifor Srl) and Davide Pettenella (University of Padova) as editors, and the rest

What does the future hold for poplar cultivation?

  • 2018

Market Outlooks: Voluntary Carbon

  • 2017

The "STATE OF EUROPEAN MARKETS 2017 – Voluntary carbon" is a market outlook realized by Ecosystem Marketplace, Etifor and the University of Padova during ECOSTAR | NATURAL TALENTS an Erasmus+Knowledge Alliances project.

Market Outlooks: Watershed Investments

  • 2017

The "STATE OF EUROPEAN MARKETS 2017 - Watershed Investments" is a market outlook realized by Ecosystem Marketplace, Etifor and the University of Padova during ECOSTAR | NATURAL TALENTS an Erasmus+Knowledge Alliances project.

Market Outlooks: Biodiversity Offsets and Compensation

  • 2017

The "STATE OF EUROPEAN MARKETS 2017 - Biodiversity Offsets and Compensation" is a market outlook realized by Ecosystem Marketplace, Etifor and the University of Padova during ECOSTAR | NATURAL TALENTS an Erasmus+Knowledge Alliances project.

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