Urban forests represent an innovative solution, but there are still few specific training opportunity on this subject.

Uforest, the project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, was created to promote the development of new multidisciplinary training opportunities in urban forestry. Against this background, understanding the training needs of different stakeholders and the challenges faced by this sector represent a key starting point.
The “Uforest Training Needs’ Assessment and Stakeholder Analysis (TNA)” report provides an overview of the existing demand on training needs to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in urban forestry and Nature Based Solutions (NBS). The survey targeted university students, professional and citizens from different countries. It was translated in 8 languages, corresponding to the native languages of Uforest partners. In the end, about 246 valid questionnaires were filled out by respondents from 27 different nationalities.

While working on the TNA questionnaire, Uforest team interviewed some of our partners. Questions concerned training needs in urban forestry, how to promote knowledge exchange, how to involve citizens in the decision-making process, and much more. Coming from different backgrounds, Uforest partners provided varied and inspiring answers. Listen here to the whole interview to find out more.