The term “Green Infrastructure” (GI) has mainly been discussed from an adaptation strategy perspective in cities and urban areas. However, as this volume shows, GI are relevant for rural and suburban areas too, proving many positive benefits. One of the most important characteristics of GIs is their multifunctionality, as they help maintain biodiversity and traditional landscapes while providing an efficient tool for disaster prevention. This is particularly relevant with regard to climate change, which puts a lot of constraint on grey infrastructures, since they were not designed for such intense and frequent extreme weather events.
The volume “Green Infrastructure and Climate Change Adaptation” was produced with multiple aims in mind. First, to introduce the progress on the evaluation, implementation, and governance of green infrastructure (GI) in Japan and in other countries. Second, to provide scientists, university students, and practitioners with basic information on the structure, function, and maintenance of GI. Third, to accelerate transformative change for green strategies to adapt to climate change.
Alessandro Leonardi form Etifor has contributed to the production of this volume. His contribution describes how to design an appropriate and cost-effective forest green infrastructure for water payment schemes to protect and improve water quality.
Forest Green Infrastructure to Protect
Water Quality: A Step-by-Step Guide for
Payment Schemes.
Green Infrastructure and Climate Change Adaptation: Function, Implementation, and Governance.