
  • Online
  • Comune di Badesi

Sustainable tourism development of the Badesi destination

Badesi is a tourism-driven municipality that has expressed the need to equip itself with a strategy that will help it define its identity and future development directions with a view to socio-cultural, environmental, and economic sustainability. Therefore, the project aims to build a sustainable path for Badesi to accompany the destination and its tourism chain.

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  • SpainItaly
  • Commissione Europea
  • Coordinator: Junta de Comunidade de Castilla-La Mancha, Partners: ,GEACAM, Dendron, Etifor, Parco Nazionale Appennino Tosco Emiliano, Conlegno, CSIC-INIA, Lignum Tech, FSC Spain, Univeridad de Castilla-La Mancha


WOOD4LIFE – Locking carbon in harvested wood products, from forests to sustainable wood products

WOOD4LIFE will engage the key actors of the forest value chain, it will test improved forest management practices in productive forests in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, for enhancing carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation and wood production to supply the industries of wood-based long-lasting products, such as the construction sector.

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  • Italy
  • Regione Veneto
  • El Tamiso cooperativa agricola,
    GeoAtamai Srl – Università di Padova,
    LIES  – Laboratorio dell’inchiesta economica e sociale

Toward a Sustainable and Just Food Policy for Padua

The Coltiva Padova project, funded by the Veneto Region, aims to create a Working Group (GO) to develop a sustainable, accessible and fair Food Policy for Padua. This project aims to lay the groundwork for building a city system and policy capable of bringing farmers and citizens together and improving the sustainability of the food supply chain.

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  • Italy
  • Sgambaro

The pasta contributing to a Climate Positive future

The climate crisis is one of our most urgent global challenges, and every sector must drastically reduce carbon emissions. Companies, in particular, must take responsibility for mitigating their environmental impact. The most ambitious ones can set a goal to reduce emissions and contribute to a “Climate Positive” future by removing more CO2 than they emit. Achieving this goal on a large scale is crucial to limiting global warming to within 1.5°C, as the scientific community recommends.

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  • EU
  • European Union
  • ETRA, Università degli Studi di Trieste, ARPAV, Natura Histrica, Istituto di Agricoltura e Turismo di Parenzo (ITPTO), SUNCE, Regione Istriana, Natura Jadera (partner associato)

Strategies to reduce waste in protected areas

The Interreg Italy-Croatia WASTEREDUCE project is an initiative to improve waste management in protected areas and Natura 2000 sites by implementing concrete, joint actions.

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  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • CIFOR (Centre for International Forestry Research)

A new model of timber production in Yanonge, legal and sustainable

One-third of the total wood market in the DRC is sourced from artisanal logging, with these products primarily destined for domestic markets . Artisanal logging constitutes an important source of income for local people. However, the practice occurs outside the regularly framework and remains largely informal.

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  • Italy
  • MASAF, Unioncamere e Borsa Merci Telematica Italiana

A national observatory for timber prices

One of the Italian forestry sector’s chronic weaknesses is the lack of reliable data and statistics. This deficit makes it difficult to develop consolidated and appropriate policies and strategies. The collection and analysis of average prices of forest products, both wood and non-wood, are essential to monitoring market trends and increasing the sector’s transparency.

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  • Italy
  • MULTIRES, Würth Italia, Itinarrando, Energy System Project, Discover Your Italy

Bosco Cinque Querce: An Ecological Management Model

Bosco Cinque Querce, located on the northeastern edge of the Municipality of Siena, is a renowned ancient forest needing action to preserve and enhance its ecosystem services. Owned by the Rugani-Bencini family since 2020, the forest requires sustainable management to restore abandoned areas, reduce soil erosion, and increase biodiversity. The goal is to transform this space into an ecological management model that offers environmental, economic, and social benefits and welcomes visitors, athletes, and nature lovers.

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  • Paraguay
  • IILA (International Italo-Latin American Organisation)
  • The Investment and Export Network (REDIEX)

Toward the sustainability of the forestry sector in Paraguay

The primary need is to improve forest resource management by promoting sustainable practices that ensure the conservation of the natural environment and the well-being of local forest-dependent communities.

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  • Italy
  • Camera di Commercio di Milano Monza Brianza Lodi

A management strategy for sustainable tourism in Milan

Il turismo sostenibile riguarderà sempre di più anche le grandi città.

Etifor sta accompagnando la destinazione Milano nella definizione di una strategia di gestione sostenibile per il turismo, grazie alla redazione di una Carta degli Impegni e attraverso momenti di formazione e approfondimento per operatori della filiera, redazione di materiali di comunicazione ad hoc e incontri con stakeholders di rilievo.

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  • ItalyAustria
  • Unione Europea
  • Consorzio di Promozione Turistica del Tarvisiano, di Sella Nevea e di passo Pramollo

    NLW Tourismus Marketing GmbH

    Società Cooperativa Turistica Alta Badia


Regeneration paths to go beyond sustainability

REGENERATE is a project that aspires to go beyond tourism sustainability. It wants to develop greater awareness in the territories and initiate a process of active involvement of the entire social fabric in co-creating a tourism offer that responds to the needs expressed by the community and the natural environment.

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  • EU
  • Commissione Europea
  • University of Copenhagen (UCPH) RES DK, Wageningen University (WU) RES NL, European Forest Institute (EFI) RES FI, KU Leuven (KUL) RES BE, Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC) RES ES, University of Padova (UNIPD) RES IT, Prospex Institute (PI) SME BE, Etifor S.r.l. Società Benefit (ETIFOR) SME IT, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) RES DE, Stefan cel Mare University (USV) RES RO, Land Life (LANDLIFE) SME NL, WWF Bulgaria (WWFB) NGO BG, European Landowners Organisation (ELO)

Valuing Forest Ecosystem Services in Europe

The INTERCEDE project is an initiative to address pressing issues concerning the undervaluation and lack of economic recognition attributed to forest ecosystem services (FES) across Europe.

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  • EU
  • European Commission
  • Trinity College Dublin (Coordinator) – Ireland,
    Aarhus Universitet – Denmark,
    Oxford University – UK,
    Ecologic Institute – Germany,
    Eigen Vermogen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek – Belgium,
    WWF – Sweden,
    ICLEI Europe – Germany,
    World Benchmarking Alliance – Netherlands,
    Horizon Nua (Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform) – Ireland,
    International Organisation for Knowledge Economy – Sweden,
    2 Degrees Investing Initiative – France,
    LGI Sustainable Innovation – France,
    Felicidad Collective – Spain

Driving change towards a Nature Positive Economy

GoNaturePositive! is a collaborative initiative backed by the European Commission dedicated to accelerating awareness and transformative action towards a Nature Positive economy among policymakers, investors, businesses and wider society.

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  • EU
  • European Commission









    Deloitte & Touche (Ireland),

    The Institute of Bankers in Ireland,



BioFin: unlock finance to protect biodiversity

The BioFin project aims to support mainstream finance actors in developing and implementing investments in nature-based solutions to protect and restore biodiversity and the environment.

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  • Italy
  • Consorzio Turistico Dolomiti Prealpi

Enhancing the disused real estate assets of the Valbelluna

Primavera Casa is the outcome of the HOST (Hosting Open Source Tourism Dolomiti Valbelluna) project, which is funded by the Cariverona Foundation. The project’s objective is to enhance the value of unused real estate properties in Valbelluna by transforming them into homes that can be inhabited for short-term (for tourism purposes) or medium-to-long-term (for residential purposes) stays. As a part of the project, Etifor provides technical and tourist support to the Dolomiti Prealpi Tourist Consortium.

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Welfare, nature and tourism

The WeNaTour project aims to train new professionals for sustainable tourism, keeping the well-being of local communities and environmental protection at the centre of its strategies.

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  • EU
  • EU Commission
  • Stichting Deltares (Deltares),
    UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH),
    International Office for Water (OiEau),
    University of Padova (UniPD),
    University of Ljubljana (UL),
    Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO),
    Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS),
    WWF Greece (WWF)

Increasing resilience to extreme events through “sponge landscapes”

Natural solutions to improve the functionality of sponge landscapes in European river basins to increase the resilience of communities against hydro-meteorological extreme events.

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  • Italy
  • Fondazione Cariplo

Supporting biodiversity in Lombardy with the help of businesses

Within the framework of the Lombardy Region’s ‘Biodiversity and Climate’ call for proposals, the Cariplo Foundation awarded Etifor a contract to provide technical assistance services for beneficiary organisations interested in participating in the call for proposals.

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  • Italy
  • Regione Veneto

Value and benefits of irrigated agrosystems in the Veneto region

The irrigation of the Veneto plain is provided by large water derivations and canals managed by the Consorzi di Bonifica (reclamation consortiums) of the Region. Etifor will analyse and value the great variety of ecosystem services provied by these canals. 

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Brescia: a nature-based future

Cities are among the places most likely to experience the effects of climate change. This is the reason why the municipality of Brescia, in collaboration with Ersaf and Etifor, promotes an innovation management plan for green areas and biodiversity, which includes the evaluation of ecosystem services and the simulation of possible nature-based solutions. 

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  • Italy
  • Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano

Eradication of boars and mouflons on the Elba Island

The feasibility study, realized with Oikos Institute and Nemo Srl, analyses the eco-ethological, social, economic, technical and legal variables of the two ungulates management options. Specifically, Etifor will conduct an opinion poll among locals and key stakeholder groups to understand their perception of the “presence of ungulate” on the island.

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  • ItalyGermanyDenmarkNetherlandsUganda
  • EU Commission
  • Etifor (Italy),

    Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy),

    Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands)

    Preferred by Nature (Denmark),

    Albert-​Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany),

    Open Forests (Germany),

    Copenhagen Business School (Denmark),

    AidEnvironment (Netherlands),

    Makerere University (Uganda),

    Fòrema (Italy).

An alliance against deforestation, toward more sustainable supply chains

Discover more on the new “Innovation Alliance for training programmes for deforestation-free supply chains in Europe” project.

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  • ItalyAustriaBelgiumBulgariaDenmarkNetherlandsSpainSwedenUnited Kingdom
  • EU Commission
  • Led by environmental psychologist Dr. Mat White at Vienna University’s Cognitive Science Hub, the consortium consists of world leaders in NbT research practice policy and innovation in:, Austria (Green Care Austria – Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität Salzburg), Belgium (EuroHealthNet), Bulgaria (Meditcinsky Universitet-Plovdiv), Denmark (Københavns Universitet), Italy (Universita degli Studi di Padova – ETIFOR), the Netherlands (Natuurvoormensen Omgevingspsychologisch Onderzoek – Universiteit Twente), Spain (ISGLOBAL – AZTI), Sweden (Nature Based Solution Institute – Uppsala Universitet), and the UK (University of Exeter – funded by UKRI), with additional expert oversight from leading NbT researchers/practitioners in Australia (University of Wollongong), Canada (University of British Columbia) and the US (Cornell University, University of California San Francisco).

Developing the resilience of individuals and communities with nature-based therapies

Against the rise of non-communicable and chronic diseases, nature can provide a solution. For this reason, RESONATE wants to provide more evidence on the benefits of nature for health and wellbeing and provide the use of nature in this sense. 

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  • Italy
  • Comitato Pro Loco Unpli Veneto

Educational Farms in Veneto: Nature-Based Learning Experiences

20 years after the start of the Fattorie Didattiche del Veneto project, Etifor was involved by the Veneto Region for the co-development and management of the annual Update Day through which the educational farms maintain their registration in the regional register.

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GreenScape CE

The EU CAP Network workshop ‘Young entrepreneurs – Engines of innovation in rural areas’ took place in Dublin, Ireland, on Wednesday 30 November and Thursday 1 December 2022. Etifor helped coordinate the development of the workshop, choosing the methodologies and supporting their implementation.

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  • Ireland
  • European Innovation Partnership for Agriculture (EIP-Agri) and Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG-Agri)

Young entrepreneurs – Engines of innovation in rural areas

The EU CAP Network workshop ‘Young entrepreneurs – Engines of innovation in rural areas’ took place in Dublin, Ireland, on Wednesday 30 November and Thursday 1 December 2022. Etifor helped coordinate the development of the workshop, choosing the methodologies and supporting their implementation.

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  • Online
  • Regione Lombardia - Provincia di Pavia

Oltrepò Pavese: governance and financing

Through the Gestire 2020 and Oltrenatura projects and the help of Etifor, the protected areas of the Oltrepò Pavese have organised themselves to conserve biodiversity and tap into new funding. Learn more!

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  • Italy
  • Trentino Marketing

The first GSTC-certified tourism district in Trentino

The A.T.A. Città, Laghi e Altipiani has decided to help three Trentino A.P.T. in the improvement of the sustainability of their tourism systems. Etifor will support, in cooperation with Trentino Marketing, the involved APTs and accommodation facilities in the implementation of the GSTC standard.

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Promoting social INNovation to renew multi-level and cross-sector WATER governance

InnWater is a new project that aims to support good water governance and water systems sustainability. Learn more!

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  • ItalyRomaniaIrelandNetherlandsAustria
  • European Commission

Green4C Green for care

The project aims at increasing Europe’s innovation capacity among universities and businesses to promote green and natural approaches to health and social care

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  • CyprusGermanyGreeceItalyLebanonPortugalSpainTunisia
  • European Commission
    • EFI (SPAIN)


ResAlliance – Horizon project

In face of increasing extreme weather events brought by climate change, ResAlliance aims at facilitating knowledge and good practices exchange to increase farmers’ and foresters’ capacity on landscape resilience.

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  • Italy
  • Agenzia Interregionale per il fiume Po (AIPo)

Improving ecological connections to protect biodiversity

Technical assistance for the identification of innovative actions to be carried out by the Interregional Agency for the Po River (AIPo) for the improvement of ecological connections between Natura 2000 Network sites in the Po river basin, within the framework of the LIFE SNAP NatConnect2030 proposal.

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  • Italy
  • Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo (CRC)

Nature-based solutions and circular economy: a climate strategy for the territory of Cuneo

In collaboration with and under the supervision of the Study and Innovation Centre of the Fondazione CRC, Etifor will carry out an in-depth study on climate change. The study will include the mapping and assessment of natural resources in the province of Cuneo, the analysis of risk factors and the search for innovative solutions for adaptation and mitigation.

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  • Online

The Adda Greenway in the lower Valtellina area

Within the framework of the LIFE IP Gestire 2020 project, Etifor provided the technical assistance service that allowed the setting up, organisation and facilitation of the governance pathway for the drafting of a shared framework document on the Adda Greenway in the lower Valtellina area, as well as a Framework of Interventions for its management and development.

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  • Italy
  • WWF Italia ONLUS
  • WWF Italia ONLUS

ReNature Italy for the restoration of Italian nature

Halting the loss of biodiversity and regenerating Italy’s natural capital for the wellbeing and health of all: these are the goals that WWF Italy has set with the new campaign ReNature Italy.

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  • Italy
  • Fedrigoni

Fedrigoni Biodiversity Impact Strategy and Zero Deforestation Commitment

In line with its sustainability strategy for 2030, Fedrigoni Paper is undertaking a new process to improve its impacts on biodiversity. With Etifor’s support, the company will conduct its first Biodiversity Impact Assessment to identify the impacts on the natural areas surrounding its paper mills. In addition, the company will collaborate with Etifor to design detail and effective zero deforestation targets.  

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  • Italy
  • Luxottica
  • Luxottica

Luxottica and the restoration of the forests damaged by Vaia

In 2020 Luxottica decides to embark on a journey to reduce its emissions and improve its impacts, while restoring the forests around Agordo affected by the storm Vaia. With the goal of restoring an area of more than 30 hectares, this project is the largest forest restoration project funded by a private company in the areas affected by Vaia.

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  • Italy
  • Municipality of Siena

Siena and the GSTC

Siena has become the first Italian city to obtain the GSTC certification for sustainable tourism. In this context, Etifor accompanied the Tuscan city in the achievement of the GSTC certification.

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  • Italy
  • Veneto Innovazione

Cycling in the Land of Venice

Etifor technical consultant for the realization of the “Carta dei servizi per il Turismo in Bicicletta”.

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The LENSES project and the NEXUS approach

The Nexus approach stems from the realization that water, energy, agriculture and natural ecosystems exhibit strong interlinkages, and that under a traditional sectoral approach, attempting to achieve resource security independently often endangers sustainability and security in one or more of the other sectors.

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REXUS Project

REXUS is an innovative and experimental project that, through a multitude of approaches, aims to improve the understanding of the Nexus interactions between Water, Energy, Food and Climate (WEFC) as a framework for resource security and sustainable development.

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  • ItalyRomaniaIrelandNetherlandsSwedenSpain
  • European Commission
  • Ersaf
    Etifor | Valuing Nature
    Forest Design Srl
    Trinity College Dublin
    Green City Watch

Uforest project

The project aims at promoting Europe’s innovation capacity among universities, cities and businesses to deliver a new approach to Urban Forestry.

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  • Italy

Forests and springs

The state forests of Lombardy are home to over 100 springs, each of which provides water for different, fundamental uses. What are they, where are they, how much are they worth? This study commissioned by Ersaf tries to answer these questions.

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  • Italy
  • Veneto Region



IT-FOR: technology in service of the forest

IT-FOR Operative Group aims to promote digitisation in forestry and timber processing enterprises. To this end,, IT-FOR team is working to develop an innovative digital system which will increase these companies’ competitiveness: a web platform that will help enterprises to manage forestry sites and the marketing and traceability of timber.

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  • EU
  • EUROPARC Federation


Consultancy for the analysis and evaluation of the LIFE project impacts. The project aims to the promote e-learning experiences and capacity building in support to the Natura 2000 management.

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  • Italy
  • European Commission


The project aims to measure air pollution within and outside urban and periurban forests in order to assess their efficacy as a mitigation measure.

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  • Online
  • DMO Thermae and the Euganean Hills

DMO Thermae and the Euganean Hills

Progetto di Destination Management che ha visto il nostro team affiancare i comuni interessati durante la creazione dell’ODG Terme e Colli Euganei e lungo le diverse fasi del progetto.

  • Italy
  • Veneto Region
    ETRA S.p.A,

Gruppo Operativo 2030

The GO Brenta 2030 aims to improve governance and experiment a Payment for Environmental Services (PES) scheme for the maintenance and improvement of chemical and ecological quality of the strategic water resources of the Middle-Brenta.

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  • Italy
  • European Commission
  • ETRA S.p.A
    Municipality of Carmignano di Brenta
    Veneto Agricoltura
    University of Padova
    Consiglio di Bacino Brenta
    Veneto Acque

The Medio Brenta area and its challenges

LIFE Brenta 2030, a project funded by the LIFE Nature and Biodiversity Programme of the European Union, aims to promote good governance and innovative funding mechanisms for the conservation of biodiversity and water resources in the Middle-Brenta area.

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  • Italy
  • European Commission
  • Iris srl

    Unione Montana dei Comuni del Monviso

    Comune di Barge

    Giusiano Legnami srl

    Compolab srl

    Walden srls


The project GreenChainSAW4LIFE  aims at managing local forest in a innovative, sustainable and shared way, for fighting climatic and enviromental risk such as fire, hydrogeological instability, and loss biodiversity and using/use the wood obtained to producer green energy and biomaterials for benefit of the economy local and nature by implementing an integrated local plan for climate, energy and bioeconomy in the Po, Bronda, and Infernotto Valleys.

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  • Italy
  • Veneto Region
  • Centro Consorzi
    Fea De Lamon
    Az. Agricola Giopp Ruggero
    Associazione di Promozione e Tutela della Pecora Brogna
    Comune di Foza
    Università di Padova, Dip. TESAF
    Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo-UNISG
    Unione Montana Alpago
    Comune di Lamon
    Az. Agricola Dal Molin Guglielmo

Sheep-up, ovine biodiversity in Veneto Region

The “Sheep-up” project aims to define an innovative model for the integrated economic enhancement of the rearing of native sheep breeds in marginal mountain areas (Valbelluna, Lessinia and the Altopiano di Asiago), aiming at the creation of added economic value for farmers.

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  • Thailand
  • Department of National Parks of the Royal Thai Government

Communications Strategy Thailand’s REDD+ Programme

This project “Development of a Communication Strategy and Assessing Information and Media Products for Thailand’s REDD+ Programme” support the Department of National Parks of the Royal Thai Government (RTG) in developing its REDD+ Strategy so that it is technically sound and environmentally and socially sustainable, as well as in compliance with World Bank safeguards policies.

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  • Italy
  • Etifor

Forests for Health and Wellbeing PhD Research Project

This PhD research project, financed by Etifor, is focused on alternative uses of forests (non-productive uses) and especially the ones aimed at increasing level of health and wellbeing of people and communities.

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  • Italy
  • Regione Veneto


The project “COmpetitive REpositioning of WOOD sector” (acronym CORE-WOOD), developed in the context of the Regional Innovative Network “Foresta Oro Veneto”, aims to propose organizational and technological solutions to help reposition, at a competitive level, the entire wood industry in Veneto.

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  • Italy
  • APT Valsugana

GSTC Valsugana

Consultancy to the APT (Tourist Board) for the GSTC Certification dedicated to the sustainability of tourist destinations.

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  • Italy
  • Veneto Region
  • Cooperativa Agricola La Fiorita

    Associazione Italiana Persone Down

    Scuola Agraria “Della Lucia”

    Azienda Agricola “El Puner”

    Azienda Agricola di Gianni Slongo

    ULSS 1 Dolomiti


The Working4Work project was born from the observation of the limits that still exist today with regard to the employment of people with intellectual disabilities, and its aim is promoting inclusiveness of workers with intellectual disabilities through social agriculture in the Province of Belluno.

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  • Online
  • Regione Veneto


Etifor team proposed and won two different POR-FESR calls and thanks to the contribution of the Veneto Region, the ECOSTAR project was able to involve more than 15,000 users, online and offline, creating new opportunities inside and outside our region.

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  • Italy
  • FSC Italia

ECOPAY Connect 2020, a network for Natural Capital

The project promotes the conservation of the Natural Capital through the experimentation of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) in Eastern Lombardy, enhancing the ecological connection of the inland water system Garda-Mino-Oglio.

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  • TunisiaFinlandGreeceFranceCroatiaItalySpainPortugalBelgium
  • European Commission

Incredible Horizon 2020

The European H2020 project INCREDIBLE, boost the promotion and innovation of NWFPs in the Mediterranean through the development and animation of a multi-actor network of networks in order to increase knowledge flows contribute to business discovery, social innovation and the co-design of locally adapted innovative value chains. Etifor works mainly in problem solving and scaling-up through cross-sector fertilization.

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  • IndonesiaHungaryRomania
  • European Commission

SINCERE Horizon 2020

The SINCERE project brings together politics, science and action to generate positive impact on forests and related benefits. Etifor is responsible for one of the Innovative Actions that will be developed to increase the value of the natural capital of forests.

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  • Italy
  • Etifor

Bosco Limite, outdoor nature

Creation of a new forest for groundwater recharging. Etifor designed the payment schemes for the water-services, recreational services for local population, biodiversity and carbon reduction. Find out more on

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Huong Son Nature

Huong Son Nature is the first Vietnamese forest regeneration project that fight climate change, loss of biodiversity and poverty through activities of forest protection, trees planting and development of market for wild forest products. The project originated from the results of the UN GEF (Global Environmental Facility) funded ForCES project powered by the Forest Stewardship Council®.

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  • Italy
  • Veneto Agricoltura


The project aims to improve the quality of the tourist destination in the areas between northeastern Italy and Austria. The GoToNATURE team will develop tourism products that enhance lesser-known natural and cultural resources by involving local citizens.

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  • Italy
  • Veneto Region
  • Etra SpA,
    Coldiretti Veneto,
    Soc. Agr. Agrifloor di Cerantola Paolo &C.,
    Soc. Agr. Moresco Adelia.

Gruppo Operativo Brenta 2020

GO Brenta 2020 is an Innovation Brokering project, financed by Misura 16.1 of the Rural Development Program (RDP) 2014-2020. The “Operational Group” is a network of public and private authorities that collaborate for water conservation of River Brenta.

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Alpine Ecosystem Services: mapping, maintenance, management

Etifor participates in AlpES, a project designed for supporting the valorisation of alpine ecosystems, by carrying our participatory activities in the territory of the Alto Bellunese. The activities, carried out on behalf of the Veneto Region and in collaboration with the LAG Alto Bellunese and the University of Padova, aim at finding innovative management approaches of forest lands, through new products and services, including tourism and recreational activities.

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  • ItalyUnited StatesRomaniaSpainUnited Kingdom
  • European Commission
  • Fledge Environment, Forest Design, Ecosystem Marketplace, NepCon, Ricardo plc, Transylvania University of Brasov, University Polytechnic of Madrid, University of Manchester.

Promoting innovative start-ups that invest in nature

ECOSTAR is a hub and accelerator that, through networking and training activities, links together the academic and business worlds, and promotes the founding and acceleration of new entrepreneurial initiatives, which aim at having a positive impact on the environment and society. The initiative is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union, and by private investors.

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  • Italy
  • Natura7

Forest investments, between innovation and tradition

An international portfolio of forestry investments with positive environment, social and governance impacts. Through the evaluation of the legal, market, silvicultural, financial and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) sustainability performances of individual forest areas, we organize the management of forests in terms of planning, harvesting, forest improvements and the sale of timber.

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Territorial tourism as a resource

The Etifor team has realized the marketing and tourism development plan for IPA Diapason Pedemontana del Grappa e Asolano which, through participatory planning, aims at enhancing the image of the territory by selecting excellence, that can represent it at national and international level, organizing the coordinated promotion and marketing systems of the touristic offering and increasing the profitability of the touristic and food&wine sectors.

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  • AustriaGermanyItalyLithuaniaNetherlandsPortugalSloveniaSwedenTurkey
  • European Commission

Alternative models and robust decision-making for future forest management

The ALTERFOR project, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, has the task of reviewing existing forest management models (FMMs) and the ways to optimize them. We are actively involved in the stakeholder engagement and in the identification of legally, technically and economically viable systems to implement alternative forest management models.

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Promoting the production of legal timber

The DURAFOR-EST project protects the Congo basin forests promoting the trade of legally harvested timber and facilitating investments in the protection of the wildest forests of the country. Legality, good forest management, small businesses, good governance, innovation and market opportunities are among the challenges and issues we face with.

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Biomass heating in respect of nature

The Aria Pulita certification classifies biomass domestic heating systems. Making clearer and more comprehensible the assessment of the environmental performance of stoves, fireplaces and boilers it helps the consumer to make a conscious purchase.

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