COmpetitive REpositioning of WOOD sector

The project “COmpetitive REpositioning of WOOD sector” (acronym CORE-WOOD), developed in the context of the Regional Innovative Network “Foresta Oro Veneto“, aims to propose organizational and technological solutions to contribute to reposition, at competitive level, the entire wood industry in Veneto.

As a matter of fact, due to a stronger and stronger transalpine competition, it seems more and more urgent to fill the deep competitive and organizational gaps of the regional wood sector. It is clear that only a systemic approach can provide appropriate solutions for the supply chain, since numerous analyses show that the strategic/organizational and technological/organizational issues among the various links of the wood supply chain are strongly interconnected.

The project is divided into 3 Working Packages (WP):

WP1 | New business models for the valorization of the proximity supply chain
WP2 Innovation of products / processes of wood processing
WP3 | Wood living: comfort, liveability and multi-functionality of wooden structures

Etifor’s team, engaged in WP1 of the project, was mainly involved in the study of the first part of the supply chain and price trends, also in the light of the recent calamitous events that have hit the region.

Progetto finanziato dal POR-FESR 2014-2020, Bando per il sostegno a progetti sviluppati da aggregazioni di imprese. ASSE 1 “RICERCA, SVILUPPO TECNOLOGICO E INNOVAZIONE”. AZIONE 1.1.4 “Sostegno alle attività collaborative di R&S per lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie sostenibili, di nuovi prodotti e servizi”.