Get funding sources for the natural resources you manage

Various funding sources can support the restoration, conservation, and improvement activities that forest areas need.

We support you in developing strategic solutions to attract public and private funding to access ecosystem services markets.

Our deep experience covers public, private, regional, and international funding, including philanthropic donations, crowdfunding campaigns, and impact investments.

ELM approach

Lay out

Know the state of the natural resources you manage

The first step to accessing markets for ecosystem services is to know the status of the natural resources you manage. We support forest managers and owners in analyzing the characteristics and status of the area, objectives, needs, and market potential.

Lay out
Develop an effective business plan

This phase focuses on creating a business plan for accessing markets for ecosystem services: we envision different scenarios to identify the activities to be completed, analyze their costs and benefits, assess their impacts, and conduct a feasibility study.

Attract investments

Once we have identified all public and private funding sources for forest restoration, conservation, and enhancement activities, we connect the area’s managers with interested funders.

Why choose
the ELM approach?

Accurate resource assessment

Our technicians have extensive experience in forest ecosystems around the world. This allows us to thoroughly analyze the natural resources you manage, from characteristics to market potential.

Quality guaranteed by standards and certifications

We develop projects worldwide, using the strongest third-party certification standards to guarantee quality.

Many financing solutions

Our experience covers public and private funding at regional, national and international levels, including philanthropic giving, crowdfunding and impact investing. This allows us to do a comprehensive analysis of the opportunities available to us.

Visibility and match-funding opportunities

Using our WOWnature platform, we increase your project’s visibility and facilitate access to funding through match-funding opportunities with private companies and organisations.
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