Studies and research

State of the Italian Forest Carbon Market 2013

  • 2013

The report “State of the Italian Forest Carbon Market 2013” presents the analysis of the voluntary carbon credits generated by forest projects carried out in Italy or carried out by Italian organizations abroad. The survey, leaded by the “Nucleo Monitoraggio Carbonio” of Inea, involved 12 Italian organizations. DOWNLOAD

Buying Sustainable Timber

  • 2013

“Buying Sustainable Timber. A guide for public purchasers in Europe” is designed to provide European public authorities with assurance that the timber products they buy are being produced sustainably. This guide has been produced by the Sustainable Timber Action project.

State of the Italian Forest Carbon Market 2012

  • 2012

The report “State of the Italian Forest Carbon Market 2012” presents the analysis of the voluntary carbon credits transaction realized in Italy or thanks to forest projects developed by Italian organizations in Italy and abroad. The survey conducted by Nucleo Monitoraggio Carbonio was able to receive information from 17 Italian organizations. DOWNLOAD

State of the art regarding quality certification schemes and labelling

  • 2011

Overview of the state of the art of biofuels certification in Italy (October 2011) with particular focus on firewood, chips, sawdust and pellets. DOWNLOAD

Integrating FSC Certification in REDD+ Projects

  • 2010

The report "Integrating FSC Certification in REDD + Projects: Guideline for Project Developers" includes guidelines and procedures to integrate the forest management certification of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) into the organization of REDD + projects.

Guía de la Responsabilidad Social y Ambiental en el sector forestal

  • 2010

A guide to social and environmental responsibility in the forestry sector that provides practical tools for the specialists.

Compra Pública Responsable de Productos Forestales (Papel y Madera)

  • 2010

Good environmental and socially responsible practices for public administrations and businesses. Publication is part of the COPADE project. DOWNLOAD THE SPANISH VERSION

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