
Huong Son Nature

  • 2018

Huong Son Nature is the first Vietnamese forest regeneration project that fight climate change, loss of biodiversity and poverty through activities of forest protection, trees planting and development of market for wild forest products. The project originated from the results of the UN GEF (Global Environmental Facility) funded ForCES project powered by the Forest Stewardship Council®.

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Vietnam, land of opportunities

Alternative models and robust decision-making for future forest management

  • 2016 2020

The ALTERFOR project, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, has the task of reviewing existing forest management models (FMMs) and the ways to optimize them. We are actively involved in the stakeholder engagement and in the identification of legally, technically and economically viable systems to implement alternative forest management models.

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The ALTERFOR project has the task of reviewing existing forest management models and much more

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