2 minutes

 The report “Analysis of the State of the Art of Forestry Associationism in Italy,” published in the context of the LIFE ClimatePositive project, intends to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art forms of association in the forestry sector active to date in Italy, presenting some valuable elements to characterize each of them.

Through a series of interviews conducted with the heads of different organizations, the survey highlighted the strengths, possible criticalities and innovative features of the other active association models, focusing on consortia, associations and cooperatives.

The results that emerged showed how some aggregative models, such as associations, are better suited to be true “organizers and animators” of the territory through events and “participatory” planning. Consortiums and cooperatives, on the other hand, mainly carry out activities of a commercial nature and thus tend to structure themselves to cope with this.

This work also aims to provide some operational guidance for forest owners eager to associate with policymakers given the forestry sector’s upcoming challenges, which can only be addressed through the creation of innovative and efficient associative models that respond to the needs of different territories.

The report was edited by TESAF Dept. at the University of Padua and Etifor.

Publication Title

Analysis of the State of the Art of Forestry Associationism in Italy (2024)

Author, institution of affiliation

Francesco Loreggian – Dept. TESAF University of Padua

Mauro Masiero – Dept. TESAF University of Padua

Nicola Andrighetto – Etifor | Valuing Nature

Gianmarco Storti – Dept. of TESAF University of Padua, Italy