Responsible Management

Reflections and results of the project INCREDIBLE project

  • 05.21

INCREDIBLE finale to a great project. Find out more!

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THE FINAL CONFERENCE On 15-16 April, the INCREDIBLE project held its Final Conference: Building partnerships for innovation in Mediterranean non-wood forest products (NWFPs) value-chains, to explore and celebrate during 3 sessions the outcomes of the project with a special emphasis on the flagship initiatives and important achievements of each Interregional Innovation Networks (iNets).

Circular Economy: rethinking the agri-food system

  • 2021

Why it is essential to rethink this sector and reverse the trend of the linear model that exploits ecosystems without giving nature time to regenerate? Find out more.

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Our linear development model requires more resources than the earth can provide. The Earth Overshoot Day, the day on which the world's population exhausts its ecological budget, is anticipated every year (WWF, 2016). The limits of linear consumption In order to satisfy the needs and lifestyles of the world's

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